Marble Meditation Video In 9.8 Wet-Mint Condition

Let me share just a bit of a favorite video with you… one that features “extraordinary, fantastic, stunning, colorful, rare and beautiful little gems” floating in an icy limbo.

Dannny Turner describes his lots in a honeyed voice soothing and smooth as wet-mint glass. Nine is ‘nahn,’ bright is ‘braht,’ wild is ‘wahlled,’ white is ‘waht.’ When the spheres spin and reveal imperfections, there is comfort in knowing they are ‘as made.’ The evocative language is not one you and I speak, since it describes worlds we do not know – worlds of tri-color flames, cyclones and rapid twists, and divided Laticcino ribbon core swirls.

Danny’s finger moves marbles as if they were living. It’s the hand of God exploring new and unknown worlds, strange planets with ground pontils.

And it’s always summer for Danny’s marbles. Crickets and tree frogs, even birds, for lower-number lots, provide subtle accompaniment for the presentation.

Mesmerizing videos. I’ve never seen their equal.

[2021 note: Don's embedded video is missing.]

Link to modern latticinos.
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