If you’re a TV person, you know
Lois Nettleton as the woman who responds to a shift in the earth’s orbit by perspiring heavily in “The Midnight Sun,” a
Twilight Zone episode from 1961.
If you’re an old radio time radio person, you know Lois Nettleton as the third wife of Jean Shepherd. Or maybe from one of her roles on CBS Mystery Theater. Or Maybe from her endless list of TV guest shots. She was a charmer. Wish more of the interview was here; it’s joined in progress.
Included in the Lois Nettleton segment, at no extra charge – a Folgers commercial that channels Bruce Springsteen to sell coffee.
Included in the Nightside Hour – an incredible, thoroughly disgusting anti-drug commercial narrated from the coffin by “Debbie,” a dead teenager. Moral: don’t buy coke from anyone named Junior.
The Nightside Hour is a memorable one, because it marks the debut of a joke/prank, told/pulled by a listener, “Steve in Philadelphia,” which went on to become a running gag Tom Snyder used over and over ever after. It has to do with what a tuna hears.
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