MGM’s Technicolor Stills

MGM’s Publicity Department was doing something right in the late 50’s and early 60’s with their 8 by 10 color stills. These appear to have produced them using the same process responsible for true Technicolor… the gorgeous old Technicolor… dye transfer printing. That’s how they look to me, anyway – the color pops, and the consistently elegant tag lines also set the MGM stills from this period apart.

I post these examples for your consideration (and downloading – the files are huge, high-resolution images).

The stars are Julie Christie, Lee Remick, June Thorburn, and Yvette Mimieux. The fact that Alan Young and Rod Taylor, co-stars of The Time Machine, yet another of the hundred movies in my all-time top-ten, appear in the last two FOH (front of house) publicity stills is not a coincidence at all.

And that’s Paul Frees, of course, as the ring that talks.

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