Larry King Sells, Shirks, and Sleeps

If you liked the previous Larry King Stories here on Isn’t Life Terrible, you’ll enjoy these three additional stories Larry King tells about his misspent youth:

The Baby Tender

Verr De Nights

Sleeping While on the Air

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A Love That Should Last Forever

A cover from the British magazine Hello.

Click to enlarge.

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It wasn’t Disney, it was God

There’s pointed advice about a specific human activity in songs from both of Disney’s first two feature-length cartoons (or, if you’re Neal Gabler, animations). Truth is stranger than fiction – listen to Fr. G. Sarducci. (3m)

[2021 note: Don's original audio is missing and has been replaced with another version.]

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A Tour of Hal Roach Culver City Laurel and Hardy Locations

Speaking of Hal Roach, as we were in the previous post, if you’re interested in the Roach films, you might want to take a look at a video I posted on YouTube some time ago featuring my buddy Piet Schreuders.

And you might even want to read the full length article from his magazine Furore -

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If Hal Roach Had Made Newsreels

Sorry, couldn’t resist.

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Almond’s Joy

Warning: eating a Valomilk can be dangerous to your sweater. Ask Steve Almond, or better yet, listen to an excerpt from the audio version of Candyfreak, narrated by Oliver Wyman - in which Steve pays a visit to the Valomilk factory (9m).

Second Warning: your mouth will start watering for a Valomilk. You’ll need the web address for Sifers Valomilks – and a little patience, because the candy can’t be shipped in hot weather. Third Warning: like any small taste of something delicious, you’re going to want to get the rest of Candyfreak.

There are two basic levels at which you can like something. Level One, you like it. You recommend it.

Level Two, you want to go out, grab strangers, and shout, “You absolutely cannot miss this, it’s unbelievably terrific and fun and wonderful and I feel sorry for you if you don’t know about it!” That’s essentially what’s happening here. Steve Almond’s Candyfreak is the first of a small, select group of items that will receive unqualified recommendation. These are the things you’d save if your house was on fire, take with you to the desert island, or, finances permitting, buy for all of your friends.

Candyfreak is Steve Almond’s excruciatingly funny, unexpectedly touching, endlessly fascinating, highly personal odyssey into the world of those rugged confectioners who persevere against industry giants (and all the odds) to create quality candies of local origin and renown. The audio version of Candyfreak (available from Audible) is performed perfectly by Wyman and can be listened to as frequently as a favorite song. The print version? Happily, the author currently offers the bargain of the century: a signed first edition of ‘Candyfreak’ for $15. I’m ordering another copy.

Fourth and final warning: In a few days, you’re going to want to grab total strangers and say, “Have you read Candyfreak? You absolutely must!” More about the author and his other books at Steve Almond’s Website.

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News From The Future – A Report On Film Restoration as of Jan. 1, 2150

Do you remember the pre-virtual flatties? Don’t worry… no one does.

But a small band of so-called ‘film preservationists’ at UMCA have joined forces to restore and present these curios to anyone with the courage and patience to “sit through them.” Most flatties are missing and presumed lost, junked due to their near-total lack of commercial value when the first “immersive media experiences” (as they were then called) flashed onto parietal, temporal and occipital lobes around the world.

“What survived, survived piecemeal,” according to Sky Hepburn, who calls herself a ‘film preservationist’ even though, strictly speaking, there is no ‘film’ left to preserve. “We work with a variety of binary source materials which are themselves re-encodings of long-obsolete single-perspective external media. Sometimes we have just one channel of information to work with, so we can only approximate the original experience.”

“Approximating the experience” is challenging, to say the least. We asked Hepburn to comment on her most difficult restoration work.

  • Planet of the Apes (1968) – “We have the picture element and a commentary track by Roddy McDowell. All attempts to recreate the original dialogue through lip reading have come up empty.”
  • Cabin Boy (1994) – “We have a complete set of all the raw footage as well as the soundtrack mix elements from this classic comedy, but no information as to how it was assembled for release.”
  • Follow That Bird (1985) – “Again, picture elements but no sound. We’ve recreated the portion of the soundtrack spoken by human beings, but all Muppet sequences are currently mute.”
  • The List of Adrian Messenger (1963) – “A heartbreaker. The only John Huston film we have, other than Annie – and our print is missing the last reel. Surviving documentation indicates that the film featured Kirk Douglas, George C. Scott, Tony Curtis, Robert Mitchum, Frank Sinatra and Burt Lancaster, but we can only confirm the participation of the first two.”
  • A Cinerama Space Odyssey (2001) – “The last twenty minutes look as if the original negative was exposed to light during darkroom development.”
  • Scent of Mystery (1960) – “Missing picture and track, but we have the smells.”

There have been successful restorations, however. All of the materials survived for Memento (2000), but the film was, according to Hepburn, “…a hopeless mess. After years of fruitless analysis, somebody, I forget who, suggested we reverse the order of the sequences.” This provided a ‘Rosetta Stone,’ although Hepburn admits that the now fully restored film is “…kind of boring.” The ‘tails out’ technique has been attempted with other films for which all elements still exist, “…with mixed results,” according to Hepburn. “It improves some films, like Citizen Kane (1941), which is far more understandable when you know what ‘Rosebud’ is from the outset.” For other films – like those of David Lynch, for example – the technique yields no discernible effect.

Preservationists may differ in their judgment of individual flattie titles, but all are in agreement as to the most rewarding aspect of their work: discovering and identifying titles that have maltinized.

“We don’t fully understand the process,” says Hepburn, “but apparently, as a film ages, it becomes susceptible to maltinization.” Regardless of content, maltinized films expand over the years, ‘growing’ new opening and closing sequences. Thankfully, these are easy to detect, since the added sequences do not involve players or characters seen in the original film, but rather ‘a universal character’ whom Hepburn believes may well have been the most beloved ‘movie star’ of all time, judging by the sheer number of appearances he made. “Like the Greek chorus, this character exists to explain the story and indicate how an ideal audience would react,” says Hepburn, who’s currently working on “Glasses, Beard and Lapel Pin,” a loving two-week tribute consisting exclusively of excerpted maltinized material. “We believe these sequences stand on their own. They deserve to be seen and appreciated without having to endure the 90 to 130 minute ‘feature films’ that follow and/or precede them. You need to know about these ‘motion pictures,’ but you probably don’t want to actually watch them.”

The first program, subsidized by University of Murdoch California funds, will include the maltinizations of They Died With Their Boots On, Angels with Dirty Faces, Little Caesar, Yankee Doodle Dandy, McClintock, and a collection of shorts made by the National Film Board of Canada and Disney Productions.

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She Looks So Familiar…

Two stills, from around 1950, currently up for auction on eBay.

Recognize her?

You should.

You watched her as a kid. A lot.

Give up? Well, here’s another item from another seller: A contract she signed.

[2021 note: Don's lost link has been replaced with a similar one.]
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The Player Returning to Earth First Ends the Game

Gold Discovered on Mystery Planet in Outer Space! Expedition Under Way Must Guard Against Space Bandits!

This is the first in a series of spotlights on Parker Brothers Games, specifically the ones that have gorgeous game boards. It’s Parker Brothers Space Game from 1953.

Click the gameboard photo to supersize the image. There’s a lot to like here.

- The delicate orange and green color scheme is spectacular, especially today, when we feel constrained to make space either black or blue. No satellite photos = green space, yellow stars.

- The smiling Conditioning Chamber: people enter in gray post-war garb and emerge in Chris Ware space suits belching orange flame.

- The rocket-ship design on the box cover looks like it was stolen from Ward Kimball’s top drawer.

- The Disney dark ride serpentine gametrack.

- The Nicholas Tesla fever dream bad guys with big magnets in the upper right corner.

- There are rumors that Black Bandits are hovering in outer space – it is well to avoid these dangerous people, if possible, because they demand booty if they contact a Space Man.

- Black dots = Danger spots.

- Parker Brothers: At The Cutting Edge Of Science. Two wormholes, here called Short Cuts.

- And the classic Parker Brothers logo.

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Park’d – at Saratoga Springs

Dozens of individual entrepreneurs with homes near the racetrack convert these sites into money-making propositions using readily-available materials, and you can too!


1 stick
1 sq. ft., orange cloth
1 small roll, duct tape
1 pc. oak tag, white
1 Sharpie pen, black
1 folding lawn chair

To enter this rewarding industry, tape orange cloth to stick; write the word “Parking” on the oak tag with Sharpie Pen (as well as day rate); unfold lawn chair; sit down; using dominant hand, wave orange cloth at passing drivers with sweeping motion indicating that their money is far more important than your lawn.

- Excerpt from “So You’re Thinking Of A Part-Time Career In Parking: Secrets of the Pros”

Here in Saratoga Springs, you can find out just about everything you need to know from owner-operated parking lots.

  • If parking prices are increasing, you are moving towards the track.
  • If the numeral “6” (as in “$6”) was created by the addition of a pen stroke to the numeral “5,” or if an “8” looks like it was, at some point in the recent past, a “7,” then you are in Saratoga on the day of a big race.
  • Conversely, if the numerals have been subtly or obviously altered to create lower numbers, either a) attendance is down, or b) it is late in the afternoon.

How To Select Off-Track Parking

You want to select a parking entrepreneur who looks like he or she is truly ready and eager to park your car. The most reliable guide to selecting an owner-operator is past performance – how have they parked at this track in the past?

If you don’t have access to this information, look at the parker as he or she waves the flag. Note any signs of lameness, excessive sweating, foaming/drooling from the mouth, over-excitability, runny eyes or nose, or popping the tail up and down. Any of these is a negative sign.

What Are The Odds My Car Will Be Damaged?

Many people become confused when trying to determine the odds that their car will be scratched or dented in Off-Track Parking.

It’s important to remember that these odds are not set by the parking entrepreneur, but rather by the car owners themselves. The amount of money spent on an individual car determines the odds for damage.

Cars which take a great deal of money to purchase will have lower odds (indicating higher likelihood) than, say, a Kia or a Daewoo. Remember also that the odds change every minute – if a Mercedes CL600 and Bentley Continental GT pull in after you, your odds become higher (indicating lower likelihood).

Unpredictable Fun!

Even the most knowledgeable enthusiasts “make their selection” and “put their money down” without knowing how a particular parker will perform on a particular day. Even first-timers can “get lucky” picking a parking spot based on something as frivolous as the color of the parker’s shirt… or because “they have a feeling” based on the way a parker swings the flag.

At the end of a day of racing, when you return to your car, you may be a “winner;” you may be a “loser,” but one thing’s for sure: you won’t know which ‘till you check out your car.

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