This one’s all about the OJ trial.
Vincent Bugliosi is so smart… so right… and so outraged… that he can’t get the words out fast enough or emphatically enough.
The recording of this Tom Snyder interview – from television – does not speed up as it progresses. It is Bugliosi that spits the words out faster and faster; Bugliosi whose voice gets higher and higher in pitch.
It’s catching – Tom’s delivery sometimes speeds up to match Vincent’s… or perhaps just to get a word in edge-ways. But if all this had gone on much longer, only dogs would be able to hear the discussion.
I believe Bugliosi is correct in his contentions, but his contentiousness switch seems to be locked in the “on” position.
He remains an outraged man. The Prosecution of George W. Bush for Murder was published in 2008.
Another recording from Bryan Olson’s collection.