Comments on: How I Hacked The OS Of My First Computer And How It Changed My Life ?p=225 Popular Culture, Unpopular Culture, and Tom Snyder Sun, 06 Jun 2010 22:01:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lee Hartsfeld ?p=225&cpage=1#comment-10 Lee Hartsfeld Fri, 28 Aug 2009 19:01:07 +0000 ?p=225#comment-10 I agree--terrific piece.<br /><br />I had a Mac, too, and I remember it fondly. Problem is, it froze up a total of maybe three times during the ten years I owned it. In other words, it didn't prepare me at all for life with PC's. I agree–terrific piece.

I had a Mac, too, and I remember it fondly. Problem is, it froze up a total of maybe three times during the ten years I owned it. In other words, it didn't prepare me at all for life with PC's.

By: Irwin Chusid ?p=225&cpage=1#comment-9 Irwin Chusid Thu, 27 Aug 2009 23:27:43 +0000 ?p=225#comment-9 This is an amusing and informative chronicle. How come there are no comments?<br /><br />Oh, wait ... This is an amusing and informative chronicle. How come there are no comments?

Oh, wait …
